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Vintage hill climb "SILVRETTA"

Fri, 12 May



The Silvretta vintage car hill climb will be held as a regularity race, there are only 20 places left!!! 4 races are scheduled... No hill climb experience necessary, FUN EVENT

Registration closed
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Vintage hill climb "SILVRETTA"
Vintage hill climb "SILVRETTA"

Zeit & Ort

12 May 2023, 15:00 – 13 May 2023, 21:00

Partenen, Silvretta Str., 6794 Partenen, Austria

Details zur Veranstaltung

The Silvretta vintage car hill climb is held as a regularity race.

No hill climb experience necessary, FUN EVENT!

The registration deadline has already expired, but we as elferpitstop have a special deal!!!

The Silvretta High Alpine Road is available to us exclusively for four regularity runs on a route length of 3.6 km from the start at the Partennen toll station.

Please register directly with the organizer: click on the link OLDTIMER GRAND PRIX EVENTS


Costs: 330.- Euro


  • 1 day 3 hours


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